Publisher’s Note
This world is a place of pains and troubles in which every human being faces some hardships. Actually these trials and tests aren’t there to give pain instead they are here so that one reforms himself and can have a captious examination of where he’s heading. And for a believer,
every kind of test elevates his ranks and is the cause of increase in his rewards.
When a believer sticks to Allah while being patient and thanking Him for every happiness or sadness, he asks for riddance from his trials and pains from The Only One (Allah).
This book deals with this phenomenon and there are mentioned in it 43 methods to deal with the worldly pains. Their distinctive quality is that they have been debated in the light of Quran and Sunnah. It is hoped that this book helps you in overcoming psychological problems and pains.
We pray to Allah that He makes this effort, an eternal riddance and raiser of ranks for the contributors.
آمين يا رب العالمين
Hafiz Abid Elahi
Editor, Baitussalam Riyadh
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